• 23 апреля 2015, четверг
  • Саратов, Б. Садовая, 239, офис 210

English Battle

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Школа Бизнеса Диполь
3299 дней назад
23 апреля 2015 c 19:00 до 21:00
Б. Садовая, 239, офис 210

Dear friends, We would like to invite you to join us to have one more Speaking Club with Business School Dipol!

Dear friends,

We would like to invite you to join us to have one more Speaking Club with  Business School Dipol!

It’s "English Battle".

We will have a special event where foreigners, our students and our guests will come all together to communicate and to have a good time!

In the program of “English Battle”:

  •  A lot of communication and fun
  • Different kinds of activities and competitions (intellectual are included)
  • Special tasks invented by native speakers to give our guests the opportunity to know more about English language and culture


  • A good command of English language
  • Good mood and wish to participate in the program and communicate a lot!
  • Registration!!!!!!!

If you are interested in communication with native speakers, let us know and we will provide you with more details!

We will be really glad to see you!


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