• 16 декабря 2015, среда
  • Саратов, Ул. Большая Садовая 239

Speaking Club: Powerful Purposeful Presentation

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Школа Бизнеса Диполь
3353 дня назад
16 декабря 2015 c 19:00 до 21:00
Ул. Большая Садовая 239

Giving a presentation is a very worrying prospect for many people. Presenting or speaking to an audience regularly tops the list in surveys of people’s worst fears – for most ranked even higher than claustrophobia, flying or heights. The key to managing, controlling and conquering a fear is first to understand it, especially its causes and attributes. Let’s solve this problem together and share the experience during our meeting. Let’s take 7 easy steps towards success!

Presenting information clearly and effectively is a key skill to getting your message or opinion across and, today, presentation skills are required in almost every field of our life lives.

Whether you are a student, administrator, executive director, teacher, or manager, you may very well be required to make a presentation. This can be a very daunting prospect, but worry not, our meeting is organized  to share the experience  which will give you some crucial tips and ideas that will help you improve your presentation skills, and if you are already an experienced specialist, hopefully take you from good to great.

If you wish to ask questions, please contact managers +7 (8452) 459-559


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