• 30 июня 2016, четверг
  • Саратов, Большая садовая 239

Speaking Club: Motivation

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Школа Бизнеса Диполь
3158 дней назад
30 июня 2016 c 19:00 до 21:00
Большая садовая 239

What makes people want to get out of bed in the morning or to study a foreign language? There are a lot of motivators. Let’s find out what they are and also will discuss cross-cultural motivation.

What makes people want to get out of bed in the morning or to study a foreign language?

Some main examples of motivators of people’s behavior include — the need for achievement, the need for affiliation and the need for power. These are the great inspirations which shape the course of our personal and working lives.

Of course there are other motivators too. Let’s find out what they are and also very importantly discuss cross-cultural motivation.

The plan of the meeting:
1.  Introduction
Award of certificates
3.  What motivates you?
4.    Quiz

1.    Registration
2.    Level: pre-intermediate — advanced

For more information contact managers 459-559


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